One of the pitfalls of aging is losing part of your hearing. While losing all or part of your hearing may be a difficult adjustment, it is not the end of the world. In today’s technologically advanced society, you have a lot of options. Today’s scientific advances have produced hearing aids that are discrete and that allow you to regain your hearing to an almost perfect level. If you or one of your loved ones has suffered from partial hearing loss, then keep reading to learn about the types of hearing aids there are on the market today, and how to choose the right one for you.
Types of Hearing Aids
All types of hearing aids contain the same parts and work in similar ways. Their differences come in their aesthetics and in their designs. The three most common hearing aid types are the BTE, ITE and the ITC. All three types offer the user great sound and ease of use, but they all are different sizes and fit in the ear differently. When it comes to choosing which one is right for you it is ultimately a personal preference. However, it is best to learn about all three types of hearing aids before you make your choice. Keep reading, to learn about the three different types of hearing aids and their benefits.
BTE (Behind The Ear)
BTE, or behind-the-ear, hearing aids are the most common types of hearing aids. They come in two different main sizes (normal and mini) in order to accommodate the aesthetic needs of clients. BTE hearing aids have the majority of their parts contained in one small plastic casing that lies behind the ear. The plastic case is connected to an earpiece that you slip over and into your ear. BTE hearing aids are the most common because they can be utilized with a variety of different ear types. Many young children and elderly people choose these types of hearing aids due to their ability to mold into a patient’s ear. BTE hearing aids are also super easy to clean and are very sturdy. The only difference between mini BTE and regular sized BTE hearing aids is that the mini BTE aids have much smaller plastic casings. They also have smaller ear molds, and therefore do not plug up a patient’s ear completely.
ITE (In The Ear)
ITE, or in-the-ear, hearing aids are hearing aids that fit snugly inside of your ear. These hearing aids are far more discrete than BTE hearing aids. These hearing aids fit directly into your ear canal and are only slightly visible from the outside. They are more difficult to clean than BTE hearing aids, but they are common in the elderly population.
ITC (In The Canal)
C, or in-the-canal, hearing aids sit completely inside of your ear canal. They are more discrete than ITE or BTE hearing aids and still offer impeccable sound. ITC hearing aids are contained in very minuscule cases that fit directly into your ear canal. They are the smallest hearing aid on the market today, and offer people the most aesthetically pleasing design. However, ITC hearing aids may be difficult to handle and clean due to their small size.
How to Choose the Right Hearing Aid
After you have decided which type of hearing aids you desire, you still have a few more things to consider. Many hearing aids come with extra features that allow you to regain your hearing in a more natural manner. Before hearing aids became more advanced, they were limited on how well they adapted to their environments. For example, in loud and noisy areas, people with hearing aids might have heard every sound amplified. In reality, it would be best to allow only portions of sounds that they were focusing on to be amplified. In today’s advanced age, scientists have figured out how to do this and much more with hearing aids. Keep reading to learn about some of the advanced features that you may be able to choice from.
Directional Microphone
The directional microphone allows you to focus on sound coming from a specific point, so that you can converse with people in loud and noisy environments such as restaurants.
Telephone Switch
The telephone switch allows you to switch your hearing aid from its normal settings to its telephone settings. The telephone settings allow you to speak and hear easily over the telephone which allows you to communicate easier with your friends and family.
Direct Audio Input
The direct audio input allows you to connect your hearing aid directly to a television, computer, radio or any other device. This allows you to be able to hear the devices easier.
Feedback Suppression
Feedback suppression allows you to suppress any loud squeals and feedback that you may get if your hearing aid gets too close to a phone or is not working properly.
Hearing aids are definitely not what they used to be. In today’s modern society, they have become extremely advanced, and can be very discrete. Unfortunately, as people age, they may begin to lose part of their hearing in one or both of their ears. Often elderly people do not want to think about getting hearing aids because of aesthetic or personal reasons. If their reasons are due to aesthetics, then they have nothing to fear about in today’s technologically advanced society. Hearing aids have never been more discrete and offered as good as sound as they do today. When it comes time to choose a hearing aid, it is vital that you or your loved ones visit an audiologist in order to get tested and fitted for the proper hearing aid. An audiologist can help you choose the right hearing aid for you and teach you all about your new hearing aids so that you do not have any trouble adapting to it.
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