
Carefect Blog

Communicating with Loved Ones When They Can No Longer Talk

Several diseases can cause your loved one to lose the ability to communicate through speech.  This is a tragic and difficult event for both the senior and their family members.  However, you can learn new ways to communicate and show your love. Causes of Speech Loss A stroke that causes permanent damage to one side of the body can make speech difficult.  When the person tries to speak, it may not be understandable; therefore, they quit trying to talk.  This is the opposite reaction than what is recommended by doctors...

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The Benefits of Social Media for Seniors

Seniors are quite adept at learning about new technology and many of them have their own computers and cell phones today. This allows them to interact more efficiently with their loved ones using the social media that is prevalent in today’s society.  While many experts warn about the dangers of social networking, it has several benefits for seniors. Social Media Helps Families Stay in Contact Whether you are a half-a-world away or just an hour’s drive, you may be too busy to visit an elderly parent as often as you...

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How to Deal with Hoarding in Seniors

Many people like to collect things, from trinkets to photos and other mementos.  However, when collecting becomes hoarding it can be dangerous and hazardous to a senior’s health.  While hoarders are a tiny portion of the population, many of those who hoard are over the age of 55. What is Hoarding? Hoarding is a compulsive behavior that cannot be controlled; it may result from a mental or emotional disease that is often unknown.  It can also stem from anxiety or loneliness.  Seniors who are hoarders are often embarrassed by the...

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Causes of memory loss that aren’t Alzheimer’s

When your senior family member begins to get forgetful, your first thought may be of Alzheimer’s.  While this does affect many older people, it is not the only cause of memory loss.  Before you assume that it is the cause, rule out other problems. Medications and Treatments Certain medications can cause memory loss; you may notice it in the list of side effects.  Anti-anxiety medicines often cause issues with memory.  Treatments for cancer like radiation or chemotherapy can also affect memory.  Some treatments cause temporary loss for a few hours...

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Tips for Managing Diabetes

Diabetes can be a difficult diagnosis for a senior and their family to hear, but it does not have to be devastating.  It is manageable and can be controlled with a few lifestyle changes.  Seniors who have the disease can still live full, healthy lives if they are aware of certain tips.  Caregivers who provide ongoing care for family members also need to know these tips. Exercise Regular exercise can help keep diabetes under control, but it can be difficult for some seniors to maintain.  Due to health issues, they...

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The Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors with Alzheimer’s

Numerous advances in understanding Alzheimer’s has helped to create new therapy techniques and medications that slow the effects of the disease.  Some improvements such as new medicines can actually slow the progress while others can improve mental clarity of the patient.  One such improvement is music therapy. What is Music Therapy? Music is a powerful medium for almost anyone; the same is true for seniors with Alzheimer’s.  Music therapy is simply the process of using music to change a person’s behavior or provide memories to improve clarity. Music can alter...

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The Benefits of Swimming for Seniors

Exercise is beneficial to people as they age to keep them healthy and strong.  The problem for many seniors and their caregivers is finding the right exercise program that is helpful without aggravating existing health problems.  Swimming is one exercise that is often recommended for seniors and has many benefits. Swimming is Easy on the Joints High impact exercises such as running and jumping can be hard on the bones and joints and cause fractures and injuries.  Because swimming does not put stress on those areas, it is a great...

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Seniors and Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is often part of the aging process and can develop into a different extent in each person.  However, you should never assume that there is nothing you can do about it.  Instead, see your health care provider and let them know about any hearing issues.  Treatments and devices can improve hearing. The Importance of Diagnosing a Hearing Problem It can become difficult for a senior to hear conversations on the phone or even in person, especially in a noisy environment.  This can lead them to withdraw from social...

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The Difference Between Arthritis and Osteoporosis

Both arthritis and osteoporosis can affect seniors, but many do not understand the difference between the two.  To put it simply, osteoporosis affects the bones, while arthritis affects the joints and surrounding tissue.  However, that is an oversimplification and there are many other characteristics to the diseases that are similar as well as different. Arthritis Arthritis affects the joints, which are the areas where two bones join.  This includes knees, hips, toes, fingers, and wrists.  There are two main kinds of arthritis: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.  Here is a look...

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Tips for Dealing with Incontinence in Seniors

Incontinence can be a delicate subject when dealing with seniors.  It is one of the most embarrassing issues with getting older.  Since incontinence mainly affects people over the age of sixty, it is often seen as a senior health problem. What Causes Incontinence? While certain medications or medical problems can cause a person to have an incontinence problem, the main cause is from weakened pelvic muscles that normally prevent unplanned urination and defecation. Some people have stress incontinence that results from forceful actions such as coughing or sneezing.  Others may...

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