
ADHD in Seniors

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is often associated with young energetic boys who are often getting into trouble. However, ADHD is a disorder that can affect all genders and all ages.  Symptoms of ADHD may worsen with age, especially for seniors, due to the aging of the brain and how ADHD is affected by cognitive decline. ADHD affects the brain and thus when cognitive function worsens, so do the symptoms associated with ADHD. Non-medical strategies that assist those with ADHD, such as exercise, sleep, and structured routine are all affected...

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Elder Care: Hospital Delirium Prevention

Delirium is a mental illness that can be brought upon by external stress and is often due to hospitalization. It is serious enough that people with delirium are often twice as likely to die in the next year as those without delirium. As well as due to it being an invisible illness, it is much harder to catch in hospitals by medical staff. The internal struggle and external confusion may not be perceived as delirium and can go unnoticed. However, due to the severity of its consequences, it is important...

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Tips on How to Handle Family Disputes Over Eldercare

Family disputes over the care of their elderly loved ones can be common and unavoidable. However, honest communication and some healthy boundaries can help mitigate ongoing resentment and build an appropriate support system. Siblings or adult caregivers can disagree when it comes to how to appropriately care for their elderly loved ones and the following are common challenges you may come across when building a care plan. Caregiving needs can seem subjective when discussing with many different people. Depending on how much time is spent with the elder, there may...

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Sundown Syndrome – Coping Strategies

As sunset looms over the horizon, elders with dementia may be affected by this shift in their environment. The early evening can be a challenging time for people with Alzheimer’s Disease as they may experience sundown syndrome. Sundowning can manifest as confusion, agitation, and restlessness which worsens as daylight begins to fade. This can be difficult because if sundowning affects your elder’s ability to sleep well, then it will subsequently affect their functioning the next day. Sundown Syndrome manifests during sunset and being tired or worn out can increase restlessness....

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Tips on How to Organize Your Elderly Parent’s Medical and Health Information

Family caregivers should prioritize organizing and keeping copies of their elderly loved ones' medical information because by having quick and easy access to this pertinent information, you have increased flexibility when making health care decisions. By having your elderly loved ones' medical information organized and easily available you can make quick decisions both in an emergency and in your routine checkups. By having extra copies easily organized you can change doctors efficiently as doctors usually get medical information from other doctors however because of the bureaucracy that can take time....

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Signs it is Time to Hire Home Care services

Most seniors are enjoying their silver years being happy, healthy and independent, however, some may benefit from extra assistance depending on their individual circumstances. This subject may also be a sensitive topic as seniors have lived a rich life full of personal adventure and professional excellence. They are used to people, especially their children, being dependent on them, rather than them growing dependent on their children. This can be a frustrating and difficult transition; therefore, it is important to address this developmental milestone with grace and empathy. Ensure that you...

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Assistive Devices for Seniors

As we get older, we must meet new challenges with wisdom and ingenuity. These challenges are unique to every situation but with empathy and communication you can find creative solutions so you can live your life to the fullest. According to Statistics Canada, one in five of the adult population has a physical disability, and that increases to approximately 50% in those 75 years and older. It may be uncomfortable and frustrating to navigate your feelings about your physical ability level, but if you realize you are finding your daily...

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Independence and In-Home Care for Seniors

The value of dignity is immeasurable; no matter our age or ability level, we all strive to live a life with dignity and joy. That can look different for different people, but at the core is our desire for both community and independence. Independence can be a tricky subject with our senior loved ones. They have lived a full capable life and continue to do so, however, with Aging comes new challenges. These challenges can be frustrating for a highly independent person. It does not mean they are incapable, far...

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Home Care Agency or Private Caregiver

When deciding to hire a caregiver for your elderly loved one, it is essential that you are doing your research and getting informed about the risks and benefits of hiring a caregiver through an agency or hiring them privately. Insurance and Legality When hiring a private caregiver, you are responsible as the employers to have updated and comprehensive insurance for them as your employee, and their working environment, your home. You have to have insurance for their workplace safety if there was an accident. They will be working in a...

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Self-Care for Caregivers During Quarantine

Elder care can be very rewarding and fosters meaningful connections between loved ones in their twilight years. It can create a beautiful space for beloved memories and increase opportunities for bonding with elderly loved ones. However, it also takes hard work and resilience because of the varied and unique challenges each person and situation calls for. Even during normal times, primary caregivers can suffer from physical and emotional burnout and need secondary caregivers, family, friends and professionals to share the load. However, during these extenuating circumstances, the need for more...

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