
Mobility Aids for Seniors (Part 2)

Elevated toilet seats Many elders cannot lower themselves carefully onto a toilet seat. Elevated toilet seats can allow seniors or disabled people to sit comfortably and safely. They can either be a plastic attachment that is shaped like an exceptionally thick version of a standard toilet seat, or a framework that has a seat that encloses the toilet and provides handles, as well. They are elevated about three inches more than regular toilet seats. Handles for automobiles Seniors sometimes have trouble getting in and out of cars because of limited...

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Mobility Aids for Seniors (Part 1)

Reduced mobility is something that most of us have not even thought about, but it is something that many people all over the world struggle with every day. For seniors and disabled adults, walking even short distances can be dreadful, painful and, to some people, utterly impossible. Countless seniors and people in general are faced with the problem of limited mobility. It can affect all aspects of a person’s life from getting around in their own home to being able to attend doctor’s appointments or any social events. Mobility problems...

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The Benefits of Social Media for Seniors

Seniors are quite adept at learning about new technology and many of them have their own computers and cell phones today. This allows them to interact more efficiently with their loved ones using the social media that is prevalent in today’s society.  While many experts warn about the dangers of social networking, it has several benefits for seniors. Social Media Helps Families Stay in Contact Whether you are a half-a-world away or just an hour’s drive, you may be too busy to visit an elderly parent as often as you...

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