
Dealing with Loss of Appetite in the Elderly (Part 2)

Last week we discussed the possible medical and non-medical causes of appetite loss in the elderly. It is critical to address any medical conditions by working with your family doctor, or specialist and creating a plan of care that specifically addresses your elderly loved ones individual medical needs. A personal care worker can be of great assistance in regards to keeping medicine on an organized routine and supporting physical therapy regimens. Aside from doctor-prescribed health routines, there are a few techniques you can experiment with to see if there is...

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Birthday Party Ideas for an Elderly Loved One

Birthdays embody the experience of showing love and appreciation for your loved ones. We meticulously schedule and arrange for transit, gifts and accommodations and the look on our loved one’s face as they sit as the guest of honor makes it all worthwhile. This is true if they are 9 or 90 years old, a birthday is a celebration of them and for them. However, similar to all birthday parties, you have to be mindful of people’s preferences and accessibility. A 19-year-old might like to go see a horror film...

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Finding the Right Pill Organizer for Your Loved One

Many people of all ages must take daily medication to live life to the fullest, especially seniors who usually take at least one type of medication every day. Medicine is an essential service and is paramount for the health and physical safety of seniors. Unfortunately, seniors can sometimes also suffer from a cognitive impairment which can affect memory function and lead to forgetting to take their prescribed drugs. Worst case scenario, they may skip doses or overdose which will have dire health consequences. Therefore, it is critical to have a...

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Signs of Caregiver Burnout and Tips for Prevention

Caregivers are some of the hardest working and selfless people you’d ever meet. Whether it is through love or duty, they have stepped up to the plate to care for their elderly or disabled loved one. Whilst it is honorable to care for loved ones in need, that care is not without sacrifice. Caregivers must juggle the many roles they have: parent, spouse, worker, caregiver. Without support and compassionate boundaries, this can be daunting for caregivers, and often makes them feel like they are failing at all their relationships and...

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Hot Weather Safety Tips for Seniors

Summer is the time of light and joy! The days are longer, the community centers are hosting more activities, the sound of children’s laughter fills the air and the weather is fair. Or it can be. Summer can also bring intense heat and humidity which can adversely affect seniors’ physical health. While summer is undoubtedly the time to seize the day with an adventure, it doesn’t hurt to remember some precautionary measures to beat the heat. Heat-Related Health Issues  Heat-related illnesses gradually worsen with time and exposure. If you can...

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Assistive Technology for Seniors

Assistive technology can improve a senior’s ability to adapt to new challenges and environments. There are assistive technologies that are designed for a variety of people at different life stages and unique circumstances and can increase their quality of life. Assistive technology is a diverse category that includes items and systems that support health, safety and fulfillment for diverse situations. Within this category, there are options available to suit each person’s specific needs in a way that fosters independence, autonomy and accessibility. Assistive Technology for Homes of Seniors  Video options...

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Understanding Dementia: Communication Strategies

When communicating with a loved one who has dementia, it is important to consider their specific cognitive circumstances. Each person will have unique symptoms and will need a tailored approach to communication. Dementia and other physical ailments can affect speech, hearing, thinking, memory, and focus on a range of severities. Thus, it is important to differentiate your strategy to hone in on what communication accommodations are necessary to meet their needs. Check-In With Yourself First People with dementia can be easily overwhelmed, so it is important that you are staying...

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Home Care Services and Pet Therapy

Benefits of Pet Therapy for Seniors

The presence of a beloved pet or animal companion can bring joy and comfort to people of all ages, especially seniors. Whilst not all situations are the same, if you have a senior in your life that is an animal lover, introducing an animal companion system can be hugely beneficial to their mental and physical health. Spending time with an animal companion, similarly to spending time with a loved one, can assist with isolation-related loneliness, social enrichment and physical engagement. Even if a senior is unable to care full time...

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Signs it is Time to Hire Home Care services

Most seniors are enjoying their silver years being happy, healthy and independent, however, some may benefit from extra assistance depending on their individual circumstances. This subject may also be a sensitive topic as seniors have lived a rich life full of personal adventure and professional excellence. They are used to people, especially their children, being dependent on them, rather than them growing dependent on their children. This can be a frustrating and difficult transition; therefore, it is important to address this developmental milestone with grace and empathy. Ensure that you...

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Memory Loss: Age-Related or Dementia? (Part 1)

As we age, some of us may suffer from forgetfulness or memory loss. It can manifest differently for each person and can be a source of stress and anxiety. A significant amount of stress related to memory loss is the fear of inadequacy or losing a sense of self. This fear is fueled by a lack of information about memory loss and the diversity of diagnosis which may affect memory. This myth-busting article will cover memory loss from normal aging, or age-associated memory impairment and other important factors to consider....

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