
Signs of an Over-Involved Caregiver

As your loved ones age, they may need to start thinking about the idea of hiring a caregiver. Today, most of the elderly population has few choices for care during their twilight years. They can stay with family, hire a caregiver and stay in their own homes, or they can move into a nursing home or an assisted living facility. Out of all of these options, many seniors choose to hire a caregiver so that they can stay in the comfort and familiarity of their own home. Caregivers are wonderful,...

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Common Health Scams Targeting Seniors

It seems like everywhere you look there is a new scam that could target seniors. Most of the scams that affect seniors in today’s society deal with health problems. Magazines, television ads, and newspaper ads all tout miracle drugs that claim to do everything from cure arthritis to cancer. “Smart Drugs” are advertised across every media outlet that claim to cure painful ailments and keep people healthy. These drugs are unregulated, and could actually cause more harm than good. Health scams and the marketing of unproven cures have been around...

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Common Misconceptions about Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can occur in anyone at any age. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are very common, especially in the elderly. A simple fall in your elderly loved one’s home can result in a TBI. Brain injuries can also occur from car accidents or from a blow to the head. Your brain is a delicate organ that is protected only by the thin lattice of bone in your skull. A simple hit to the head can cause your brain to float around inside of your skull and hit the bone. If...

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Causes, Signs and Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injury is any type of injury that disrupts the function of the brain. Usually, traumatic brain injuries occur after someone has endured a blow or jolt to the head. They can also occur if an object penetrates the skull. Even so, not all blows to the head result in a traumatic brain injury. For a head or brain injury to be defined as a traumatic brain injury the patient must have a change in their overall function or personality. These changes can last for a few hours with...

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Conditions that Resemble Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a debilitating disease that affects a large percentage of the elderly population around the world. It causes degeneration of an essential part of your brain that affects motor control and movement. In turn, patients with Parkinson’s disease lose the ability to control their movements and often have shaking limbs. Medications can help treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, but they cannot cure the disease. Patients with Parkinson’s often have many different complications that affect their ability to move and think properly. Unfortunately, many other conditions resemble Parkinson’s...

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What Your Nails are Telling You about Your Health

Your nails can actually tell you and your doctor a lot about your health. Most people do not pay much attention to their nails. Women tend to file and polish their nails, while men simply cut theirs and let them be. For this reason, most people do not pay attention to changes in their nails. A perfectly manicured set of nails shows that someone is clean, hygienic and healthy. But what happens when those nails do not look so hot? Here are a few common issues that occur with nails...

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Headaches Causes – What Your Headache Might Mean

Headaches are one of the most common medical complaints among any age group. They can hit you at any time and range from a small twinge to horrible pain that leaves you in bed all day. Headaches come in many varieties and can be the result of numerous different causes. Most often, they result from something going wrong somewhere in the body. Often, headaches are not serious and they are simply triggered by stress, a small cold, a hangover or from being overly tired or hungry. However, in some cases,...

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The Dangers of Sleeping Pills for the Elderly

Sleeping difficulties can be extremely frustrating. It is a horrible feeling to go to bed each night and lay awake for hours on end. One solution that helps many people get to sleep is sleeping pills. These small, often addictive, tablets are packed with medications that will cause you to drift right to sleep and stay asleep. Sleeping pills are convenient, fast, and often easy to obtain. They are an easy way to tackle a sleepless night, and can be extremely safe if taken in small doses for short amounts...

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What Your Skin Can Tell You about Your Health

Your skin is your largest organ, and because of this, your skin can really tell you a lot about your health. Your skin protects you against bacteria, regulates your body temperature, and has numerous pain, pressure, and temperature receptors that keep your whole body protected. It is no surprise that when something is wrong with your body on the inside, your skin can send you many warning signs. Here are a few things that your skin may be telling you about your health. If you notice any of these symptoms,...

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What Your Hair Can Tell You about Your Health

When it comes to hair, most people only ever think about how they can style it, cut it, and color it. But many experts have said, that our hair can actually tell more about our health than we think. If you follow your hair’s growth patterns and observe it closely, then you may be able to catch major health conditions before they escalate. Keep reading to figure out just what your hair can truly be telling you about your health. Dry, Thin Hair There are a lot of factors that...

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