
Tips for Helping Elderly Parents Adjust To Life without Driving

As we age we begin to lose some of the abilities that are needed to drive because of the changes that our bodies face. Many seniors have trouble driving due to a decrease in their vision or hearing or because their motor reflexes have slowed down a bit. All of these factors along with stiffer and weaker bodies cause the number of fatal car crashes to be significantly higher in drivers that are over 70 years old. To help protect your elderly loved one, it is very important to know...

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Tips on How to Care for an Elderly Person with Parkinson’s disease

There are thousands of new cases of Parkinson’s disease diagnosed each year and it is most common in those who are over the age of 65. Parkinson’s disease is more common in men than in women, but both genders can get the disease so you should watch for symptoms in all of your elderly loved ones. Parkinson’s is caused by neurological damage that causes the neurons to die which impairs muscle movement and function. In this article we would like to offer some tips on how you can help an...

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Spring Crafts Ideas for Seniors

Crafts are a great way for seniors to express themselves and enjoy doing something new. Aside from being fun, crafts are a good way for seniors to engage themselves mentally by focusing their attention on creating something. Keeping seniors occupied with craft activities will also help keep them from getting bored and falling victim to depression. We at Carefect Home Care Services would like to offer some ideas for spring crafts that seniors can enjoy working on with their family members, in a group setting or on their own. Simple...

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Signs That an Elderly Person Is Hoarding Food

Hoarding is considered to be a mental disorder and it can cause health problems in many people. Hoarding is when a person starts collecting a large quantity of items, usually items that have no useful purpose or value. Hoarding food can be especially dangerous since food can spoil and cause disease. In this article we would like to offer some tips and advice for family caregivers who are worried that their elderly loved one might be hoarding food and facing potential health risks. Those who are concerned that their elderly...

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Musical Activities for Seniors & Elderly

Music is something that people of all ages can enjoy and there are a variety of ways that seniors can enjoy music in their free time. Music can be a very beneficial therapy for seniors as it can help liven up their mood and awaken old memories of fun and happy times from their past. In this article we would like to offer some fun activities that seniors can engage in to enjoy music while spending time with others. Songs Selection The first thing to keep in mind when choosing...

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Types of Grief Personalities

Death and loss are natural parts of life, but that does not make them any easier for people to deal with when they occur. Everyone has their own way of grieving but there are often categories that people fall into based on how they grieve. Knowing about these categories or grief personalities can be useful for those who have a family member or other loved one who is facing a death or loss. In this article we would like to provide some information about different grief personalities so that family...

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How to Convince a Reluctant Elderly Relative to Visit a Doctor

Sometimes it can be hard to convince elderly relatives to go to the doctor, especially if they do not think there is any cause for concern or they have a fear of the doctor for any reason. Family members who are concerned for their elderly relative should know when to be persistent and when to let the issue go. We at Carefect Home Care Services understand the difficulties that family members face when trying to convince elderly relatives to go to the doctor and would like to offer some tips...

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Kitchen Safety Tips For Seniors

Kitchen safety is important at any age, but it can be a serious problem for the elderly. The kitchen is said to be one of the most dangerous areas in the home, especially for seniors. Many seniors are harmed by fires, spills or spoiled food in the kitchen. We at Carefect Home Care Service would like to share some kitchen safety tips that seniors can follow to ensure that they are safe while in the kitchen. Fire Fires in the kitchen are often a concern for seniors and can be...

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