
The Benefits of Pickleball for Seniors

Healthy aging requires a healthy lifestyle which includes exercise!  exercise to some may seem challenging or even boring as some people do not appreciate just working out for the sake of Health.  However, finding joy in your exercise routine is a way to build authentic motivation as well as increase your mental health. Physical exercise is a key aspect of both physical and mental wellness and so it is important to build a daily routine that includes some movement and exercise.  Due to your own body circumstances and preferences, you...

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The Benefits of Nordic Pole Walking for Seniors

While it may seem unique to us to watch a group of seniors walking down the street with poles, it is actually a well-known exercise activity called Nordic walking. Nordic walking is popular in Scandinavian and European countries and is becoming more popular in North America. Nordic walking is especially popular among seniors due to its health benefits and ease of access. Nordic walking is an activity that uses poles, similar to cross country skiing poles, and was developed in Finland. It was originally an off season program for body...

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Resistance Training For Seniors

As people grow older, their muscles and joints begin to break down. Add to that the fact that seniors have more brittle bones than their younger relatives, and it seems as though you are making a recipe for disaster. Seniors are at an increased risk for falling and becoming injured due to their brittle bones, muscles and joints. However, there is one thing that can help decrease a senior’s risk of falling and keep them healthy. Resistance training is a type of exercise that allows your elderly loved ones to...

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The Benefits of Yoga for the Elderly

Yoga is a fun and wonderful sport that has numerous health benefits. People of all ages can enjoy yoga and reap its benefits. However, in recent years, studies have found that yoga is especially beneficial for people over the age of 50. Elderly people can utilize yoga to regain strength in their muscles and regain their flexibility. It is a simple exercise program that can help them combat the effects of aging and keep them feeling young and energized. Plus, yoga is a great sport that allows you to advance...

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