
Self-Defense for Seniors

Self-defense is a crucial self-skill for anyone of any age to learn and is especially useful for senior citizens. Unfortunately, seniors are targets for attacks due to the perception that they are more vulnerable to attacks. It is true that as people age, they lose muscle mass and become more vulnerable, so it is important to develop healthy habits that combat potential criminals. To begin, we will learn how to try and avoid becoming a target, then learn the physical training to protect ourselves. There are a variety of options...

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Weight Loss: Diet and Lifestyle

Weight loss is more complex than simple dieting, as it requires a holistic approach to your overall health. However, your diet habits and nutrition do impact your weight, energy level, and sleep quality. Therefore, the way you eat and fuel your body allows you to boost your metabolism, nourish your body and foster a healthy weight. Healthy habits affect the way your body metabolizes food and allows it to nourish your body more effectively. To support your body’s metabolism, there are some habits that you can implement into your daily...

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Weight Loss: Strategies and Scams

There is a lot of misinformation surrounding weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. From keto to counting calories, there have been countless diets and lifestyles that try and sell us the notion that weight and health are a one-size-fits-all program. Even scientific theories based on the most recent evidence are not able to account for each person’s specific genetics and abilities. While you need to be listening to scientific evidence, you must also account for your circumstances and what works for you. Weight loss has seen some interesting and dangerous...

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Weight Loss and the Effects of Aging

Proper weight loss is an individual journey that depends on your specific circumstances. While maintaining a healthy weight can lead to a more active lifestyle, it can be a complicated journey especially for seniors. As we age, our bodies process food, exercise, sleep and heal in new ways. Seniors who may have been leading healthy lives may find it difficult to maintain that lifestyle, or those habits may not be serving them anymore. A healthy weight and lifestyle will look different for each age range. Adjusting personal healthy habits is...

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Natural Remedies to Reduce Anxiety in Seniors

In contemporary culture, mental health is becoming more a common discussion point. Mental wellness is valuable to have a high quality of life, and it is important to maintain your mind and body to support your emotional wellbeing as a senior. When considering your own mental wellness, you may come across personal struggles, including feelings of anxiety. Anxiety symptoms can manifest in a variety of different ways and can be mental and physical. Mental Anxiety Feeling tense, upset, and nervous Trepidation and panic Trouble concentrating Overpowering worry Avoidance  Physical Anxiety...

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Ways to Help Your Elderly Loved One Manage Balance Issues

Balance issues can be dangerous as they pose a significant risk for falls. Several conditions may cause balance issues from cognitive disabilities to damaged joints and other injuries. Caregivers should take active steps to address any movement concerns as soon as possible to minimize the risk of injury. Here are some concerns to address to keep your loved one safe. Keep Terrain Accessible If your loved one is exhibiting signs of movement issues due to age or physical deterioration, the first step is to ensure their environment is safe and...

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Tips on How to Organize Your Elderly Parent’s Medical and Health Information

Family caregivers should prioritize organizing and keeping copies of their elderly loved ones' medical information because by having quick and easy access to this pertinent information, you have increased flexibility when making health care decisions. By having your elderly loved ones' medical information organized and easily available you can make quick decisions both in an emergency and in your routine checkups. By having extra copies easily organized you can change doctors efficiently as doctors usually get medical information from other doctors however because of the bureaucracy that can take time....

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Caring for an Elderly Loved One During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Caring for an elderly loved one requires hard work, dedication as well as the ability to adapt to new and ever-changing circumstances both internal as well as external. Being a caregiver is a demanding role during the best of circumstances, however, the Coronavirus has presented even more unique challenges. There are new ‘best practices’, health and safety guidelines, and procedures to consider when keeping your elderly loved one safe. First and foremost, to protect your vulnerable senior, you must first protect yourself. Ensure that you follow the appropriate procedures to...

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Ways to Convince an Elderly Loved One with Alzheimer’s to Shower

Hygiene management and bathing is an important yet stressful daily aspect of living with someone with Alzheimer’s disease. Often, it can be a battle to create a care routine that keeps your elderly loved one physically safe from the damaging effects of poor hygiene, as bathing can be nerve wracking for someone with Alzheimer’s. Attempts to get them to bathe and shower can result in arguments, negotiations, screaming, crying, and hostility. This increases your stress level and creates a negative connotation to bathing for your elderly loved one. This can...

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Flu Season – Prevention Tips for Seniors and Caregivers

As we move through October and into November, we are entering the cold and flu season in Ontario. The temperatures drop and the amount of vitamin D we are receiving decreases as our daily sunlight minimizes incrementally. These factors, compounded with the cold and flu season, hinder our body’s natural defenses and compromises our immune system. Seniors are especially vulnerable to the cold and flu season as their immune system becomes weaker with age. As well, those who are caregivers for seniors are affected by their vulnerability to the cold...

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