
Assistive Technology for Seniors

Assistive technology can improve a senior’s ability to adapt to new challenges and environments. There are assistive technologies that are designed for a variety of people at different life stages and unique circumstances and can increase their quality of life. Assistive technology is a diverse category that includes items and systems that support health, safety and fulfillment for diverse situations. Within this category, there are options available to suit each person’s specific needs in a way that fosters independence, autonomy and accessibility. Assistive Technology for Homes of Seniors  Video options...

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Understanding Dementia: Communication Strategies

When communicating with a loved one who has dementia, it is important to consider their specific cognitive circumstances. Each person will have unique symptoms and will need a tailored approach to communication. Dementia and other physical ailments can affect speech, hearing, thinking, memory, and focus on a range of severities. Thus, it is important to differentiate your strategy to hone in on what communication accommodations are necessary to meet their needs. Check-In With Yourself First People with dementia can be easily overwhelmed, so it is important that you are staying...

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Signs it is Time to Hire Home Care services

Most seniors are enjoying their silver years being happy, healthy and independent, however, some may benefit from extra assistance depending on their individual circumstances. This subject may also be a sensitive topic as seniors have lived a rich life full of personal adventure and professional excellence. They are used to people, especially their children, being dependent on them, rather than them growing dependent on their children. This can be a frustrating and difficult transition; therefore, it is important to address this developmental milestone with grace and empathy. Ensure that you...

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Overnight Care for Seniors

There may be a variety of reasons why your elderly loved one may need care during the nighttime. Whether they have health issues, are at risk for falls, or have Alzheimer’s disease or dementia that causes them to grow confused at night, overnight care for seniors may be necessary. Overnight care may be difficult to find, and may be necessary as an addition to their daytime care. If you believe that your elderly loved one may need overnight care, then keep reading to learn how to determine the type of...

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How to Reduce the Cost and Make Home Care Affordable

As your loved ones grow older, they may be faced with the decision of whether to move into an assisted living or nursing care facility, or stay in their own home. If given the choice, many seniors wish to stay at home and live their twilight years in a comfortable, familiar atmosphere. If your elderly loved ones have already had to face this decision, and have decided that they do wish to stay at home, then you may need to hire an in-home care worker very soon. Home care workers...

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Types of Home Care Agencies

As your loved ones grow older, they may not be able to stay at home by themselves. Instead of going to a nursing home or an assisted living facility, many seniors want to stay in the comfort of their own home and hire a home care agency. Fortunately, there are numerous home care agencies that are willing to work with seniors and provide them the care they deserve. There are several types of organizations that are able to provide home care for the elderly population. An important distinction that you...

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Living with Multiple Sclerosis (Part 1)

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediate disease that affects millions of people around the world. The disease is a progressive, chronic disease that affects the myelin sheaths of your central nervous system. Overtime, the myelin sheath on your neurons will degrade and you will lose the ability to propagate nerve impulses quickly. This results in impaired functions and memory, depending on which neurons and nerves are affected. MS is a progressive disease that does not have a cure yet, meaning that patients who are diagnosed with the disease must cope...

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Tips for Seniors: Grocery Shopping

Eating healthy is key to living a long and fruitful life. Without the proper food choices, you could put your body at risk for developing infections and diseases. Eating healthy is often really difficult though. Processed foods often appear cheaper than nutrient dense fresh foods at first glance, and they are a lot more convenient. Eating healthy means cooking healthy, which can take time and effort. If you are a senior, then you may find it even more difficult to eat healthy and follow healthy lifestyles now than you did...

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Dysphagia in the Elderly

As people age, one very common medical issue they may come across is dysphagia. This medical issue is more commonly referred to as having trouble swallowing. It can be incredibly dangerous for patients who suffer from the issue because it can cause them to not get enough nutrition or to choke frequently. Dysphagia affects thousands of people around the world each year. The elderly are the most common group of people who are affected by the medical issue due to age-related diseases and age-related factors that predispose them to swallowing...

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Warning Signs for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common bone disease that is characterized by loss in bone mass and density. The disease is progressive and often affects the elderly more so than any other age demographics. People with this disease are at a higher risk for bone breaks, fractures and falls. Elderly people are at the highest risk for developing primary type 2 osteoporosis. Generally, it appears in people over the age of 75, and affects more females than it does males. Since osteoporosis is a bone disease, elderly people usually do not find...

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