
The Challenges of Sandwich Generation Family Caregivers

The ‘sandwich generation’ references adults who are caring for their aging family members as well as raising young children or supporting grown offspring.  This is increasingly likely as almost half of middle-aged adults have a parent or family member who is a senior citizen. This means that senior caregivers are likely to be adults with full-time jobs and children. These family caregivers are having to juggle many responsibilities including financial burdens, time constraints, and emotional burnout. This can feel impossible to manage - especially since they are responsible for the...

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The Benefits of Pickleball for Seniors

Healthy aging requires a healthy lifestyle which includes exercise!  exercise to some may seem challenging or even boring as some people do not appreciate just working out for the sake of Health.  However, finding joy in your exercise routine is a way to build authentic motivation as well as increase your mental health. Physical exercise is a key aspect of both physical and mental wellness and so it is important to build a daily routine that includes some movement and exercise.  Due to your own body circumstances and preferences, you...

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The Benefits of Nordic Pole Walking for Seniors

While it may seem unique to us to watch a group of seniors walking down the street with poles, it is actually a well-known exercise activity called Nordic walking. Nordic walking is popular in Scandinavian and European countries and is becoming more popular in North America. Nordic walking is especially popular among seniors due to its health benefits and ease of access. Nordic walking is an activity that uses poles, similar to cross country skiing poles, and was developed in Finland. It was originally an off season program for body...

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Tips on How to Deal with an Elderly Narcissistic Parent

Narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder is the impairment of one's identity and self-direction in interpersonal functioning and pathological personality traits. The “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition” or DSM-5 Mark's narcissistic behaviour as antagonism which follows the lack of empathy for others and attention-seeking behaviour that focuses on manipulation, deceit and callousness.   Most members of society have a very confused idea of what a narcissist looks like.  You may associate narcissism with selfishness but there are actually different types, and it presents itself in people in...

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Senior Care: Thyroid Diseases

The thyroid is a small gland that is situated at the bottom of the front of your neck. As an important gland, issues with the thyroid can cause major health issues. As we age, we become more at risk for medical conditions related to the thyroid. Seniors are especially susceptible to thyroid issues and should be made aware of what to do if they do begin suffering from symptoms. To visualize it, it is butterfly-shaped and is located at the base of your Adam’s apple. The thyroid controls how your...

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Senior Care: The Importance of Speech Therapy

The importance of speech therapy for seniors cannot be discounted as it can be necessary for those who may be recovering from a medical condition that is preventing them from communicating effectively. Communication is vital at any age but for seniors, it can be extremely important so that they can advocate for themselves and their needs. People who cannot communicate successfully may not get the care that they require in an emergency situation. Speech practice and improvement are very important, as the consequences of ignoring communication issues can have dire...

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Nutritional Drinks for Seniors

Being a caretaker to your elderly loved one can involve making many decisions regarding their health, including nutrition decisions. There are no easy decisions when it comes to someone’s health especially when you are making that decision about their nutrition. As people age it can become more difficult for them to eat solid food and have an adequate appetite.  Soft food can be the preferential style of food for those who have difficulty eating or who have inconsistent appetites. While nutritional drinks can be an effective solution, they can also...

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Eldercare: Feeding Tubes

Feeding tubes are a medical device used for people with medical conditions that impair chewing and swallowing. The feeding tube allows for liquidized nutrition to be administered for people who are unable to eat independently. While it is a difficult choice for the individual and the primary caregiver to make, it is indispensable to the health and physical wellness of those who cannot feed themselves. Due to the nature of this assistive device, primary caregivers and families often may have to make this decision on behalf of their elderly loved...

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Home Security Tips for Seniors

Studies have shown that elderly citizens are more likely to suffer from a home invasion and home security threats. Not only are older people more likely to fall for technological scams but they are also more likely to be targeted by them. Thieves and criminals are more likely to target elderly people as they are often more predictable in their routine and responses.  Predictability makes it more likely that criminals will be able to plan their scheme in advance.  As well, elderly people often live alone and are not as...

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Nocturia in Seniors: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Nocturia is defined as a medical condition in which one voids one's bowels at least twice per night, interrupting sleep.  Nocturia is a common ailment in older adults, especially those 70 years and older. Due to its prevalence, nocturia is usually dismissed as an inevitable sign of aging, however, the effects of nocturia affect the quality of life of the senior and should, therefore, be treated seriously. A significant number of falls occur during the night when a senior may be awakening and going to the washroom.  This can lead...

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