
Tips for Seniors: Grocery Shopping

Eating healthy is key to living a long and fruitful life. Without the proper food choices, you could put your body at risk for developing infections and diseases. Eating healthy is often really difficult though. Processed foods often appear cheaper than nutrient dense fresh foods at first glance, and they are a lot more convenient. Eating healthy means cooking healthy, which can take time and effort. If you are a senior, then you may find it even more difficult to eat healthy and follow healthy lifestyles now than you did...

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Denture Care Tips For Seniors

It is often a fact of growing older that people tend to lose their natural teeth. As seniors age, years of dental work and poor dental hygiene can catch up to them. Some seniors only need a partial so that they can continue to eat properly and speak normally. Others, however, may need a full set of dentures in order to continue their healthy lifestyles. Getting dentures can be scary and a little uncomfortable at first, but they allow seniors to eat properly, speak properly and continue to work towards...

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Dysphagia in the Elderly

As people age, one very common medical issue they may come across is dysphagia. This medical issue is more commonly referred to as having trouble swallowing. It can be incredibly dangerous for patients who suffer from the issue because it can cause them to not get enough nutrition or to choke frequently. Dysphagia affects thousands of people around the world each year. The elderly are the most common group of people who are affected by the medical issue due to age-related diseases and age-related factors that predispose them to swallowing...

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Safety Modifications for a Senior Friendly Bedroom

Most homes are designed for people who are young and able to move around freely. For this reason, as people age, their homes may not be up to par. As adults age, they often modify their homes to fit their needs. This may mean putting in a few extra rooms, or even remodeling certain rooms to add storage and space. As seniors age, home modifications may be more directed towards safety. If you are living alone, then a few safety modifications may be necessary to keep you comfortable and safe....

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The Difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes affects thousands of people across the nation. Elderly people are especially at risk for developing the disease. Most people have an idea of what diabetes is, but they do not know the real details. If you or someone you love has diabetes or have been told they are at risk for the disease then keep reading to find out more information. Both diabetes type 1 and type 2 affect your blood sugar. In your body, your blood sugar is controlled by a hormone known as insulin. Blood glucose levels...

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Most Common Types of Cancer Treatment

As you age, your risk for cancer increases. Fortunately though, cancer treatment has come a long way in the past couple decades and most people who are diagnosed go on to live long, happy lives. As cancer numbers continue to rise though, many elderly people begin to wonder if they are at risk, and if so, what treatment options they could be facing? Risk Factors Unfortunately, age is a large risk factor for developing cancer. As people age, their cells lose their ability to renew themselves as easily as when...

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Fire Safety Tips for the Elderly

After retirement, most elderly people want to do is relax. Having worked their entire lives to own their homes, cars and provide for their families, they deserve a few years of quiet and relaxation. As elderly people move forward in retirement they may start to notice different things about themselves. It is inevitable that as people age they often grow more dependent on those around them. Often elderly people become forgetful and begin having chronic health issues. As they age, their risk of home accidents increases dramatically. One major accident...

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Common Causes of Dizziness and Loss of Balance in the Elderly

Dizziness and loss of balance in the elderly can be caused by many different things and can be quite dangerous as it can cause falls and injuries or be an indicator of another medical issue. Family caregivers should know what can cause dizziness so that they are able to prevent it in their loved ones or help them seek treatment. In this article we would like to share some information about the causes of dizziness and loss of balance in the elderly to help family caregivers provide the best possible...

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Common Causes of Knee Problems in the Elderly

Knee problems may occur at any age, but seniors are a particularly vulnerable age group due to the associated physiological changes of ageing.  Seniors tend to develop some problems with mobility as time goes by. When we have elderly family members living with us at home, it can be easy to dismiss these mobility problems, specifically the knee problems that seniors face as a common sign of ageing, but it can also be a sign of a medical condition. In this article we would like to offer some information about...

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Nutrition Activities for Seniors

Nutritional deficiencies are very common in seniors and can be caused by a number of things such as changes in appetite, diminishing sense of taste or smell, reduced physical activity, chronic illness or mental illness.  The first thing that family caregivers should do is determine the cause of their loved one’s problem and address the issue or help them seek treatment.  Once the issue has been determined, family caregivers can work with their loved ones and develop nutrition activities that will make them more interested in food and remind them...

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